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Jakub Kopera

Community Builder, Vestbee

28 June 2021

CEE Startups Of The Month | Marketplace

Check out the most interesting companies from the Marketplace industry singled out in the CEE Startups Of The Month series!

23 June 2021

CEE Startup Challenge VI - TOP 10 Innovative Companies From Central & Eastern Europe

Get to know TOP 10 innovative startups singled out in the 6th edition of CEE Startup Challenge!

26 May 2021

CEE Startups Of The Month | FinTech

Let’s meet interesting FinTech startups from Central & Eastern Europe that were singled out in the CEE Startups Of The Month series!

26 April 2021

CEE Startups Of The Month | SaaS

Let’s meet interesting SaaS startups from Central & Eastern Europe that were singled out in the CEE Startups Of The Month series!

23 March 2021

CEE Startups Of The Month | Cleantech & Sustainability Edition

Let’s meet impactful cleantech and sustainability startups from the CEE region that were singled out in the first edition of CEE Startups Of The Month series!

25 January 2021

AWS AI Challenge - Meet Top Innovative AI Solutions

Let’s check out the best startups singled out in AWS AI Challenge and explore their innovative AI-based solutions!

14 December 2020

CEE Scaleup Challenge - Meet Top 10 Innovative Scaleups From Central & Eastern Europe

Let’s explore TOP 10 innovative scaleups awarded in CEE Scaleup Challenge 3rd edition organized by Vestbee

28 July 2020

CEE Startup Challenge - Meet The TOP 10 Innovative Companies

Let’s meet TOP 10 startups singled out in CEE Startup Challenge 5th edition and find out more about their innovative solutions!